Composition of the IT development team

We have come close to the development process. We have a concept, technical specification, design, the architecture of the product is designed. Before proceeding to the consideration of the process of writing code, I want to touch on the topic of the composition of the development team. 

I will skip the top-level positions, we are only interested in those who are working hard on creating an IT solution.

1. Project Manager (PM). This is a key member of the development team. He plans and coordinates the project. PM is the link between the customer and the contractor. Its key task is to efficiently manage the resources, deadlines and budgets of the project. 

2. Technical leader (techlid). "Yoda" in terms of development issues. He defines the technological requirements and manages the selection of tools, platforms for development, manages the team. In small companies, a techlid can also perform the function of a senior developer.

3. Analyst. He collects and analyzes customer requirements, works closely with customers and stakeholders to understand their needs and goals. The analyst provides valuable ideas and concepts that help the development team to create a product that meets the requirements of users. It also helps to identify key functionality and manages the process of collecting and prioritizing requirements.

4. UI/UX Designer. UI/UX designer is responsible for creating a user-friendly and attractive user interface. He works with analysts and developers to translate customer requirements into an intuitive interface. The main task of the designer is to develop prototypes, layouts and visual elements that will provide the user with an unforgettable experience.

5. Developers. Writes code, does tests (if there is no tester), documents the code. Developers have a division by experience — junior, middle, senior (green, experienced, "Yoda"). And there is also a division in the direction: frontend, backend, fullstack. 

6. Testers. They are responsible for ensuring the quality of the software. They develop and execute test scenarios, detect and track bugs, analyze test results, and work with developers to fix problems. Testers may include specialists in automated testing, security testing, and so on.

7. DevOps/DevSecOps specialists. These are team members who own the DevOps (Development and Operations) methodology or, more broadly, DevSecOps (Development, Security and Operations). They are responsible for creating an efficient and secure development, testing, production deployment and support process. We will return to these specialists in the next publication. In some cases, this function is taken over by team leaders or developers.


The composition of the team that I described came out — a close to ideal case, but is not a strict requirement. You need to start from the context, if this is a startup or a start-up IT company, then some roles can be combined.



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